The methods of treatment of psoriasis

This disease often develops at an early age. Even with a slight over imparts serious psychological problems: lowered self-assessment of the permanent feelings of shame and social isolation. Psoriasis is not a threat to the life, but it has a very important impact on the quality of the same.


What is psoriasis, what are its causes, how it can be treated? It is quite common bullosa: health statistics says that they have it until a 5-7% of the population of the Earth. In recent years, psoriasis was considered as a systemic disease — psoriatic disease, as in a pathological process, in addition of the epidermis, which are immersed in the joints, the liver, and the kidneys.

The factors of the appearance of psoriasis and its signs

The study of psoriasis, causes of its emergence and the search for forms of ongoing treatment. Until, finally, we have not identified factors that lead to the defeat of the skin. Specialists highlight the importance of the following points:

  • the activation substantial the rate of division of the cells that produce the exfoliation of the top layer of the skin and the appearance convex platelets;
  • the genetic predisposition;
  • the weakening of the defenses of the body (for example, after illness).

The main signs of the disease, constitute a kind of reference system, which includes:

  • education is easy to radi scaly patches whitish-grey – so-called phenomenon of stearic acid stain;
  • continue scraping identifies soft pink of the surface – the phenomenon of terminal film;
  • the onset of the formation of drops on the naked surface, or the phenomenon of bitmap of the bleeding.

As the disease is chronic, the issue of "How to cure psoriasis?", it automatically changes the formulation of the expression "As I put it in a long phase of remission?"

Treatment of psoriasis

the treatment of drug

The tool outside of therapy

Local drugs reduce the inflammation, scaling, and the degree of infiltration of the skin. This creams and ointments that contain the following components:

  • salicylic acid;
  • urea;
  • sulphur.
  • dithranol.

Also apply glucocorticoids of local funds. The use of lotions that are appropriate in the process of treatment of the psoriasis with the location on the scalp.

  1. In the stage of progression of the disease is assigned to the salicylic acid ointment or hormonal of the tool with an anti-inflammatory action. First apply lighter – prednisone, hydrocortisone. In the case of a new aggravation of the great expressiveness of the inflammatory process, its replaced by the stronger in the lining of medications. The use of these medicines is quite effective: in 70% of cases as a result of 14 days of application you can achieve complete regression eruptions.
  2. For several years apply negalogenizirovanny glucocorticoids. Thanks to the exclusion of the composition of chlorine and fluorine drastically the probability of the occurrence of local adverse reactions and systemic. The medications are the base for local treatment of psoriasis in elderly patients and children.
  3. Expressed in effect is achieved with the application of ointments and creams with dithranol. They are appointed with increasing dose of short-term or long-term methodology and have an anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative action. Its disadvantage is the probability of the occurrence of adverse reactions in the form of erythema, local swelling or itching.
  4. Today for the treatment of psoriasis, a new drug — psorcutan, exerts a direct influence on the factors of pathogenic nature, promoters of the development of the disease. Its active component is calcipotriol, which enters an active response to the receptors of the keratinocytes and suppresses the process of fission, has immunocorrecting and anti-inflammatory action. Studies show that already at the end of the second month the state of the skin improves, the amount of expenditures are reduced significantly or disappear completely. The important point is the absence of side effects in the form of cutaneous atrophy, as well as the resistance of the progress of the. Psorcutan is applied to the treatment of tear of the psoriasis, which is difficult to therapy. In some cases, you can achieve the remission of a duration of up to one year. The effectiveness of the tool increases significantly when combined with techniques of physical therapy – puva - or SFT-irradiation.

The media must be changed periodically, as a result of the addiction of its effectiveness diminishes.

Systemic treatment

The base of the therapy are the retinoids aromatic (or synthetic derivatives of vitamin A). The 20-years of age, the practice is the test of the effectiveness of these tools.

The treatment of psoriatic arthritis

the psoriasis and arthritis

The treatment of psoriatic arthritis is a task of two specialists: a rheumatologist and a dermatologist. The goal is to achieve a state of remission (partial or total). It is necessary to notice that to stop the progression of the disease and eliminate the symptoms can only through the use of medications. The attempts of some of the patients to get rid of the disease to non-traditional forms do not give rise to a positive result, and may even cause the exacerbation and the complications in the form of significant changes in the tissues of the joints, spinal pillar, some of the internal organs.

As it can be cured with this form of psoriasis? Used drugs are divided into two categories:

  • symptomatic, referred to in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory tools, and corticosteroids;
  • percentage of drugs with anti-inflammatory benefits: sulfasalazine, methotrexate, leflunomide.

The application of the first group and leads to the appearance of a positive result. Symptoms such as pain and stiffness go away after a few hours. However, these drugs are not able to stop the process of destruction of the joints.

The most effective treatments for this type of psoriasis can be achieved by the application of the drugs. The result of your action manifests itself slowly, but the development of psoriatic arthritis when this slows significantly or even stops. The disadvantage of these drugs is that after a while the body gets used to them. They have to increase the dose, which causes the appearance of side effects.

Excellent result can be obtained by the use of anti-cytokine (biological) therapy, thanks to which you can stop the destruction of joints. Today this method is considered the most effective way possible.

A very important point is the treatment time, when the joint has not yet been deformation, as this process is irreversible.

The treatment ladonno-plantar psoriasis

That can heal a variant of psoriasis with the location of the palms of the hands and feet? This question is quite problematic, since the traditional methods of therapy are ineffective, due to a high degree of expressiveness of pathological processes in the dermis and the epidermis, as well as a factor of constant irritation and traumatic for the skin of these areas as a result of contact with the clothing, frequent washing, etc ..

  1. For the effectiveness of the treatment ladonno-plantar psoriasis you must follow certain rules:
    • no fried foods and products with spicy flavor;
    • to stop smoking;
    • exclude of alcoholic beverages;
    • not washing the hands and the feet too hot water;
    • use gloves for heavy duty use in the base fabric to prevent the contact with aggressive chemical goods;
    • if the feet had been cracked, it is recommended that the use of hydrocolloid solution: when applied on the affected area are cautioned to irritation from friction, relieves itching, stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis.
  2. The aim of pathogenetic therapy is the suppression of the breeding process of the keratinocytes, the standardization of its development, the reduction of the inflammation.
  3. Outside the treatment consists in the application:
    • mitigation and hydration of the medications that contribute to the removal of the horny layer of the skin (in most cases, your basis is the salicylic acid);
    • derivatives of vitamin D;
    • corticosteroids;
    • retinoids.
  4. If you can not get a positive result, in addition to applies the so-called PUVA-therapy, in fact represents the exposure of the areas affected by the ultraviolet rays with the use of psoralen (photoactive substance).
  5. To the failure of other methods of treatment are assigned to the systemic therapy.

The treatment of psoriasis on the elbows

psoriasis on the elbows

This type of pathology is treated in a comprehensive manner. This process is quite long and consists of:

  • the fulfillment of a special diet;
  • reception of a vitamin complex;
  • the topical therapy (ointments, creams, lotions);
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • the photochemotherapy.

The treatment of mild forms of psoriasis on the elbows can be limited to use of moisturizing creams, thanks to which you can reduce the peeling, get rid of the inflammation and the itching.

When running the stage uses a comprehensive treatment:

  • corticosteroids topical medications;
  • phototherapy;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • alternative methods for the treatment of psoriasis (home remedies).

The treatment of psoriasis of the nails

Nail the form of psoriasis has been described yet in the 19th century. Already then it was noted that it is independent of the nature, from which you received your confirmation. The nails of the involvement of some types of psoriasis (for example, vulgar), however, the disease may develop itself.

How to cure nail psoriasis? The process is different complexity and duration. The disease has a recurrent nature, can escape the wave. The most important condition for therapy is the proper care of nails and hands, all the days of the realization of the necessary activities and the compliance of some rules:

  • the nails must be short shorn;
  • avoid microtraumas;
  • do not do manicure, pedicure, or carry out other beauty treatments;
  • during the execution of the work to put on the gloves for heavy duty use.

For the treatment of psoriasis of the nail in a mild form of medications do not apply. May be limited to application on the plate of the therapy of the lacquer. Hide the affected area, decrease during the disease process and prevent relapses.

When the heavy weight of the current is required a local treatment with the use of ointments, solutions and creams. As an additional measure it is recommended that the receipt of the company's dietary supplements and vitamins of the compositions that contain calcium, zinc, potassium, silicon. To intensify the process of them it is better to leave.

The treatment of psoriasis of the scalp

psoriasis in the head
  1. An important part of the treatment of psoriasis in the head is the intake of vitamins A and group b, of the drug with calcium and nicotinic acid, the use of ascorbic acid and folic acid.
  2. The most efficient way is the use of corticosteroid medications.
  3. A good effect can be achieved by using the salicylic acid ointment.
  4. As a support tool is recommended to moisten hairy part of decoctions of herbs, with a marked anti-inflammatory action: the greater celandine, chamomile or sage.

The treatment of psoriasis on the face

Many people who try to hide the traces of the defeat with the help of cosmetics, however, this is not possible. Due to the constant contact with the air and the impact of the sunlight, the plates are cured much faster.

  • The mandatory requirement for the treatment of psoriasis in the face is the care of the skin, one should use exclusively the media, which are designed for sensitive skin.
  • Hotel dry the face with a towel – this leads to mechanical damage to platelets and stimulate their growth.
  • In winter it is necessary to use moisturizing means.

Therapy when the psoriasis on the face consists of the following steps:

  • local treatment with the use of ointments, creams, lotions;
  • in physiotherapy;
  • the compliance of the curative treatment of the diet;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • take vitamins.

The treatment of psoriasis remedies

Natural medicine offers many proven ways to get rid of psoriasis.

Recipe 1

In a bath of warm water to dissolve the salt pile, pour into it the sick in 15 minutes. To moisten your scalp. After leaving the bath, the man must to dry it, without cleaning. You must previously prepare onion slurry and rub on the head and the body of the patient, leave about a quarter of an hour, with a rag to remove the remains of tools and was lying sick in bed. In the morning it is necessary to prepare the broth of celandine, coctum 300 grams of the herb in a bucket of water, and wash the body. The next morning, lava is necessary, neutral soap and a weak solution of manganese. Repeat 7 times.

popular methods of

Recipe 2

Prepare a tincture on the basis of two spoons milling of chicory, and the cup of boiling water. After cooling the liquid to moisten it with a clean cloth, fabric, and closer to their homes in defeat.

Recipe 3

An original way of treatment of psoriasis pumpkin queues it is very effective. Ponytail should be cooked in the closet air to become ash. The lubricant plate of garlic juice and a pinch of pumpkin ash. The method is rather nasty, but effective.

Recipe 4

Two eggs, beat it well with a tablespoon of sunflower oil, add about half table-spoon of acetic acid, pour in the mixture in an amber glass bottle. At night, use for the lubrication of the affected areas. This ointment is especially effective in the initial phases of the pathology.